What’s it really like at a UK University?

…and is it right for you? We’ve talked with expat students to learn what it’s really like at a university in the UK so that you can decide if it’s right for you!

Are you considering studying abroad in the UK? With its incredible universities, bustling cities and diverse culture, the UK is a great destination for international students looking to expand their horizons. Studying abroad in the UK can offer you a unique experience that will open up a world of possibilities and opportunities. In this article, we'll explore some of the key benefits of studying in the UK so you can make an informed decision about your education. Let's get started!

Adventures Await: Beginners Guide to Studying Abroad in the UK

The UK is renowned for its high quality education, with some of the best universities in the world. You can benefit from this by studying in a top-tier university and gaining valuable professional skills that will give you an edge in your career.


Studying abroad in the UK is an affordable option for international students. Tuition fees are significantly lower than other countries, making the UK an attractive destination for those looking to pursue their studies without breaking the bank.

Career Opportunities

By studying in the UK, you can open yourself up to more job opportunities once you’ve graduated, as the UK is one of the most sought after countries for international students looking for employment.


You can rest assured knowing that you’ll be living and studying in one of the safest countries in the world. The UK has a low crime rate and a strong sense of community, providing a safe and secure environment for international students.


You’ll also have access to a great public healthcare system, providing free medical care for all international students.


Finally, you can take advantage of the many social and cultural activities available in the UK, from theatre, music, and art to festivals, sports, and outdoor activities.

What is Studying Abroad?

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity that allows you to experience a different country and culture while gaining a world-class education. International students can pursue a degree program in the UK and get the chance to explore life in a new country while also taking advantage of the many career and educational opportunities available.

Types of Universities in the UK

What’s a university in the UK?

Firstly, what they call “college” in America is called “university” in the UK and the rest of Europe. A college in the UK has a different meaning. Students in the UK have compulsory schooling until they’re 16. College in the UK is a school that students go to at 16 - 18 years of age to help prepare them for university. Vocational classes can also be taken at a college in the UK. Colleges can also refer to subsets of a university. For example, Trinity College is part of Cambridge University.

Public vs. Private

The main difference between universities in the US is whether they’re public or private. This is down to how a university is funded. A public university takes public funds while a private university does not. Technically the same concept exists in the UK, but the overwhelming majority of universities are public. There’s actually only five universities that are private in the UK and in these universities the government does not subsidise a student’s tuition.

Russell Group Universities

In the US, there are ivy league schools which are known for their academic excellence and low acceptance rates. There’s an equivalent in the UK known as Russell Group of Institutions or Russell Group universities. There are 24 Russell Group universities that are considered to be the top tier of universities in the UK.

Fun fact: The Russell Group of Institutions was named after their first meetings which were held in first the Hotel Russell in Russell Square, London.

Getting accepted into a university in the UK

What are the requirements for getting into a UK university?

There are a couple different basic requirements that all UK universities have:

  1. Academic requirement: students applying for a bachelor’s degree programme must have at least 3 years of higher education (equivalent to a high school). So, a high school diploma will meet this requirement.

  2. English language requirement: English is the language of instruction in university so it’s a requirement for students to speak and understand English. When applying, you can state that English is your mother tongue or if it’s not your first language, you will need to speak UKVI IELTS 4.5 to 5.5 or an accepted equivalent that is provided in your local country.

How to apply to a UK university

A student applies online for university

You’ll need to familiarise yourself with or the Universities and Colleges Acceptance Service or UCAS for short. This is where you can create an electronic application which is needed to apply to university. You can check out the UCAS website here.

Your UCAS application can include up to five different programmes either at the same or different universities in the UK. Your application will include your personal details, you’ll need to upload any previous academic credentials (high school diplomas and university degrees, if you have them) and share financial information that essentially explains your plan for paying for university. You’ll also need to write a personal statement that helps to explain who you are and why you want to attend university.

Is it difficult to get accepted in a UK university?

In general, it’s no more difficult to be accepted in a UK university than it is anywhere else. Foreign students pay additional fees, so universities typically allot a certain amount of slots for foreign students to help fund their programmes.

However, the difficulty of getting accepted is all relative to the type of school that you’re applying to. Just like in the US and many other countries, UK universities have different acceptance rates. As discussed earlier, Russell Group schools have a low acceptance rate meaning that many people apply and only a few people are accepted.

So, how do you know if your grades in your home country measure up to what the university will accept? Typically, UK universities will have an International Student Office that will share a conversion chart where they can convert another country’s marking standards to UK standards to let you know how your grades match up.


Clearing is process used by UCAS in partnership with UK universities in order to fill open slots for programmes that haven’t yet neared their capacity of accepted students. Generally programmes that are subject to clearing are less competitive. As long as you’re eligible for the programme, it’s easier to get into university if the programme is subject to clearing.

Foreign students can take advantage of clearing if they apply via UCAS before the school’s deadline and are academically eligible. Non-UK students also may be subject to certain tests like an English language test.

Academic Requirements

Immersing yourself in the UK culture can be a great way to broaden your horizons and gain valuable skills. The UK is home to a number of world-renowned universities, so you’ll be able to benefit from the advanced educational system and learn from industry-leading experts. There is certainly a rich history of academic excellence in the UK! To be eligible to study in the UK, you must meet certain academic requirements. These typically include a minimum GPA, a language proficiency test, and a copy of your academic transcripts. Additionally, you will need to provide proof of financial support, such as a bank statement or a letter of sponsorship. Once you’ve met all the requirements, you’ll be able to start your application process.

Standardised Tests

In order to apply to a university in the UK, you may need to take standardised tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). These tests measure your English proficiency and are used to determine if you are at the level required to study in the UK.

Visa Requirements

Before you can begin your studies in the UK, you must apply for and be granted a visa. Depending on your nationality, you may need to apply for either a short-term study visa or a tier 4 student visa. When applying for a visa, you must provide evidence of your finances, your academic qualifications, and your educational institution. It is important to be aware of the various visa requirements and regulations in order to have a successful application.

Financial Planning

It is important to consider your finances when studying abroad in the UK. Tuition fees can vary depending on the university and the program you are studying, so it is important to research the fees and plan accordingly. Additionally, you may need to cover additional costs such as student accommodation, travel, and food. It is important to budget and save in advance to ensure you are able to cover all costs associated with studying in the UK.

Studying abroad in the UK can be a rewarding and exciting experience, and with the right planning and preparation, you can make the most of this opportunity. With this guide to the basics of studying in the UK, you are now ready to embark on your international adventure!

Courses and Grading

3 Year Degree

Degree programmes generally have comparable core courses in the UK when compared with other universities. However, there’s one really important difference for Batchelor’s degrees. In the UK, Batchelor’s degrees are a three year programme. The reason that they’re able to offer a shorter programme is because they don’t overload students with lots of mandatory electives.


How would you feel if you got a grade of 60%? In America, that would barely be a passing grade! In the UK, that would be an amazing grade!

In the UK, getting a grade of 50% demonstrates understanding while a grade of 60% shows a deeper understanding of the curriculum.

A grade in the UK is called a classification such as First, 2.1 and 2.2.

Let’s compare US and UK grading:

  • 90 - 100% is a First in the UK and an A in the US

  • 80 - 89.9% is a First in theUK and a B in the US

  • 70 - 79.9% is a First in the UK and a C in the US

  • 60 - 69.9% is a 2.1 in the UK (still a very good grade) and a D in the US

  • 50- 59.9% is a 2.2 in the UK and a failing grade in the US

So does that mean that UK schools are easier? No, not at all. It just means that the grading scale is really different.

Social Life

Let’s be honest, part of the university experience goes beyond studies - it’s partly about having an amazing social life. So, what would your social life be like when studying in the UK?


In America, university sports are a BIG DEAL. They’re televised and attended by thousands. Universities in the UK do have sports, but they aren’t a main focus of campus life. If you’re interested in sports, most universities in the UK have intermurals and have decent sporting facilities for several sports (football and rugby are usually the most popular).

Some schools do provide sports related scholarships but it’s nowhere near as common as it is in the US. In the UK, there’s a lot more focus on the academics and sports are treated more like a hobby.

Greek Societies

Sororities and fraternities (otherwise known as Greek societies due to their adoption of Greek letters) are not common at all in the UK. Some universities like Oxford do have a kind of fraternity which claims to be more focused on leadership, friendship and community service opportunities. There are, of course, clubs that you can join which vary by university but range from photography to equestrian activities.


In the UK, there's a different expectation on maturity with regard to alcohol than in North America. In the US, drinking isn't allowed until 21 but in the UK the legal age is 18. Going to a pub after class or even for lunch is common. Foreign students who are not used to the drinking culture that is common among young people in the UK should take care to make sure that studies remain a primary focus.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of opportunities can I find by studying abroad in the UK?

Studying abroad in the UK can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience! You’ll get to experience a new culture, make friends from all around the world, and learn valuable skills that will help you in your future. Plus, you’ll have the chance to explore the UK’s fantastic cities and picturesque countryside.

When it comes to opportunities, there’s no shortage. Whether you’re looking for a career-boosting internship, a life-changing volunteer project, or a chance to learn from some of the best academics in the world, the UK provides plenty of options. You can also take part in cultural activities such as theatre, music, and art, and experience the UK’s vibrant nightlife.

The UK is also home to many of the world’s top universities, so you’ll be able to get a top-notch education in a variety of fields. You’ll also have the chance to learn from professionals in your chosen field and make valuable contacts that can help you in the future.

All in all, studying abroad in the UK is an amazing opportunity that can open up a world of possibilities. So don’t wait - pack your bags and get ready for an experience of a lifetime!

What kind of academic benefits does studying abroad in the UK offer?

Studying abroad in the UK offers a plethora of academic benefits to international students! For starters, there’s the chance to learn from some of the best minds in the world in world-class universities. UK institutions offer an incredibly diverse range of courses and degrees, with a variety of qualifications and study options to suit almost any educational pathway.

The UK is also an incredibly multicultural and welcoming place, so you’ll make friends from a variety of cultures, backgrounds and beliefs. You’ll benefit from the unique experience of living on campus, as well as being exposed to different ways of thinking and learning.

Additionally, the UK has a long history of producing leading research in almost every field imaginable, so you can expect to be taught the latest knowledge and ideas in your chosen field. And with the UK’s well-connected transport links, you’ll have no problem travelling across the UK to explore the culture, sights and sounds that this incredible country has to offer.

So, if you’re looking for an academic experience that’s full of possibility, don’t overlook the UK! With its exceptional educational opportunities, multicultural environment and stunning scenery, studying abroad in the UK is an experience you won’t soon forget!

How can a university degree from the UK help me in my future career?

If you're looking to take your career to the next level, a university degree from the UK can be an incredible way to get there! With internationally-recognised universities that offer a range of degrees from engineering to business, you can gain valuable skills and knowledge that will set you apart from the competition.

Not only will you be able to learn from highly-respected academics, but your degree will also give your resume a huge boost! Employers in the UK and abroad recognise the value of a UK university degree, and you'll find yourself in a great position when it comes to job applications.

Finally, having a UK degree can open up opportunities for further study. You may be accepted into a postgraduate program in the UK or abroad, so it pays to get the best possible qualification to get your foot in the door.

In short, a university degree from the UK can help to launch your career and open up exciting new possibilities!

How can studying abroad in the UK help me to develop my English language skills?

Studying abroad in the UK can be a great way to take your English language skills to the next level! Not only will you get to experience the sights and sounds of one of the world’s greatest cities, but you’ll also be able to immerse yourself in the language itself.

Living and studying in the UK will give you the opportunity to experience the rich variety of English accents, from the well-known Cockney of London to the distinctive intonation of the North of England. You will also get to experience the unique culture of the UK, giving you a better understanding of the language.

Moreover, being surrounded by native English speakers will give you plenty of opportunities to practice speaking the language for yourself. Whether you choose to join a conversation with a local in a pub, or simply chat with your classmates, you’ll be able to increase your fluency and gain confidence in speaking English.

So if you’re looking to develop your English language skills, studying abroad in the UK might just be the perfect way to do it. Who knows, you may even pick up a few surprising Britishisms along the way!

What kind of employment opportunities might I gain from studying in the UK?

Are you looking for amazing job opportunities post-graduation? Well, studying in the UK is the perfect way to unlock some incredible career prospects. Whether you’re interested in finance, technology, health care or anything in between, the UK offers a wide range of top-tier job opportunities. Here are some of the advantages of studying in the UK:

• Access to the world’s best companies – Many of the world’s leading companies have operations in the UK, offering international students a great chance to gain invaluable experience and make connections.

• High levels of graduate employment – The UK has some of the highest levels of graduate employment in the world, with 94% of students finding work after completing their studies.

• Opportunity to stay in the UK post-graduation – International students have the option to stay in the UK after completing their studies to look for work, making it easier to find a job.

• Variety of job roles – Whatever your skillset or interests may be, the UK offers a variety of job roles across different sectors, making it easier to find something that suits you.

Studying in the UK gives international students a unique opportunity to gain the skills and connections needed to start a successful career.

How does studying abroad in the UK help to prepare me for the global economy?

Studying abroad in the UK is an amazing opportunity to expand your knowledge of the world, and the educational system here is world-renowned. You will be exposed to a different culture, and by interacting with people from different backgrounds, you will learn to appreciate different perspectives. This will help you develop the skills and experience you need to succeed in a global economy. You will also have access to some of the best universities and research facilities in the world, which can help you develop a competitive edge in the job market. By studying in the UK, you will be able to benefit from the knowledge and resources available to you, and be better equipped to face the challenges of a changing global economy.

What are tips for a successful study abroad experience ?

In addition to the information provided in this guide, there are some tips and tricks you can use to ensure a successful study abroad experience in the UK. First and foremost, make sure you do your research and are aware of all the requirements before applying. Additionally, make sure you are familiar with the local customs and culture, and take some time to explore the area and get to know the locals. Finally, don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take advantage of all the opportunities that come with studying abroad. |

Conclusion and Benefits Summary

Studying abroad in the UK will provide you with a wealth of opportunities and experiences that you can't find anywhere else. Not only will you be surrounded by a vibrant culture, but you will also receive a world-class education. With the UK's rich history, stunning natural beauty and endless opportunities for exploration, it is the perfect destination for students looking to experience something new.

From the quality of education to professional opportunities, the UK has a lot to offer international students. You'll get to learn a new language, explore the UK's many historic sites, sample delicious local cuisine and take part in exciting social and cultural activities. Plus, you'll have access to a great public healthcare system and the UK's low crime rate makes it one of the safest places in the world to live and study. With the right preparation, you can make the most of your study abroad experience in the UK.

In summary, here are some of the terrific benefits you’ll get from studying in the UK:

1. Gain valuable international experience and open yourself up to a world of new opportunities.

2. Make new friends from around the world and gain insight into different cultures.

3. Learn a new language or perfect the English language with direct immersion into UK culture.

4. Receive a world-class education in the UK, with universities that are world-renowned for providing the best quality of education.

5. Get a taste of traditional British culture while living in the UK, such as visiting historical landmarks, experiencing the local cuisine, and more.

6. Enjoy a more affordable way to study abroad in the UK, with tuition fees being significantly lower than other countries.

7. Open yourself up to more job opportunities once you’ve graduated, as the UK is one of the most sought after countries for international students looking for employment.

8. Live and study in one of the safest countries in the world. The UK has a low crime rate and a strong sense of community.

9. Have access to a great public healthcare system, providing free medical care for all international students.

10. Take advantage of the many social and cultural activities available in the UK, from theatre, music and art to festivals, sports and outdoor activities.

Does this make you interested in studying in the UK?

Did you know that in the UK, you might be able to get your degree:

  • faster?

  • cheaper?

  • and in a supportive environment?

Read our article about benefits of studying in the UK here!


The definitive British food word list


Benefits of studying abroad in the UK